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- coconut biscuits






300 g of unsalted butter
350 g of icing sugar
500 g of sifted wheat flour
250 g of desiccated coconut
Ground pistachio nuts

1 Melt the butter at a low temperature. Take the saucepan off the hotplate. Let the butter stiffen at room temperature. Place some baking paper in a baking tin, and heat your oven to
175 degrees C (347 degrees F).
2 Mix butter and icing sugar into a smooth mixture.
Pour the flour into the mixture and mix with a spoon, add the desiccated coconut. Place the dough on your kitchen work top and knead it well.
3 Roll out the dough to a thickness of 1 cm. Use a glass and cut out small round cakes. Sprinkle a few chopped pistachio nuts over the cakes.
4 Put the cakes in the baking tin, bake in the
middle of the oven for 15 to 20 minutes.

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