Sohane asali - honey confectionery

150 g of sugar
150 g of honey
4 spoonfuls of rapeseed oil
150 g of split almonds
1/2 teaspoon of saffron
Ground pistachio nuts
1 Lubricate a platter with rapeseed oil.
2 Mix sugar, honey and rapeseed oil in a pot. Boil at a not too high temperature until the mixture achieves a golden colour. Pour in the split almonds. Do not stir too much, as the oil may separate from the rest.
3 Dissolve the saffron in 2 spoonfuls of boiling hot water and stir carefully into the mixture. Turn down the heat a little, but let the mixture remain warm.
4 Take a teaspoon of the almond mixture and place it on the lubricated platter. You must work rapidly, while the mixture is still hot. However, the temperature must not be so high that you risk scorching the mixture. Sprinkle the chopped pistachio nuts over the small honey cakes. When they have stiffened and cooled, you may lift them off the platter with the point of a knife.