- oven-baked fish

1 chopped onion
4 or 5 chopped cloves of garlic
Cooking oil
1 teaspoon of curry
4 dl of chopped coriander and parsley
1 teaspoon of dried rosemary
Salt and pepper
1 spoonful of tomato purée
The juice of 1 lemon
1 fish, 1–1 1/2 kg
100 g of butter
1 Fry the onion and garlic and add the curry, coriander, parsley
and rosemary. Fry well and then add the salt, pepper,
tomato purée and lemon juice. Turn off the heat.
2 Lay the fish on a sheet of baking paper, cut off the fins, retain the head, but remove the gills. Clean out its belly, rinse well in cold running water.
Let the fish dry, then rub it with salt, including inside its belly.
Transfer the fish to a sheet of tinfoil and fill its belly with the
herbal mixture. Close its belly with a few toothpicks to keep the stuffing
in place. Distribute the soft butter all over the fish then wrap it in tinfoil and bake it at the bottom of your oven at 200 degrees C (392 degrees F) for 1 hour.
3 Remove the fish, unwrap it, and transfer it to a platter. Remove the toothpicks!
If you do not like the skin of the fish, remove it before serving.
If there is any liquid left in the tinfoil, it may be used as a sauce.